​By no means are the demonstrations featured on this website exhaustive. Instead, the intent is to showcase the most critical demands of Claremont students throughout the ages.
Despite their small sizes, the Claremont Colleges house some of America's most passionate students——and relative to other institutions, students of many political and cultural stripes. This project aims to provide background of the consortium's past, not only to inform, but to move Claremont students with the history of the institutions they call home.
This project is generously funded by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a non-profit working to preserve free speech via litigation, policy, and cultural change. Dhriti Jagadish Claremont McKenna College '27 was selected as FIRE's Fall 2024 Campus Scholar, given the funding and support to carry out a project of her choice.
To learn more about the methodology of this project, please refer to the "Sources" tab. Any questions or comments (especially if you notice an error or think a clarification needs to be made) can be directed via email or LinkedIn.